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Harrison Candelaria Fletcher is the author of Descanso for My Father (2012), Presentimiento: A Life in Dreams (2016), and Finding Querencia: Essays from In-Between (2022). His personal essays, lyric essays and prose poems have appeared widely in such literary journals and anthologies as New LettersTriQuarterlyPuerto del Sol, Best of BrevityBrief Encounters and The Touchstone Anthology of Contemporary Creative Nonfiction.


His honors include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, MacDowell and Helene Wurlitzer Foundation, as well as the Colorado Book Award, New Mexico-Arizona Book Award, Autumn House Press Nonfiction Prize, New Letters Essay Award, Sonora Review Essay Award and High Desert Journal Obsidian Prize. He also was a finalist for the International Latino Book Award, National Magazine Award and Bakeless Literary Nonfiction Prize, and has been noted in the Kirkus Review "Best Indie Memoirs" and Pushcart Prize and Best American Essays anthologies.


A native of Albuquerque, New Mexico, he is a former columnist, feature writer and beat reporter at newspapers throughout the West. He teaches in the MFA Programs Colorado State University and Vermont College of Fine Arts.